Reading Time

Ellie Phant has recently written her first children’s picture book, Odd Sockler, and is already working on her next! She can’t wait to share her publishing date as soon as she gets that deal 🙂

Odd Sockler

At the beginning of the world, a trinity of very holey socks promises a plentiful supply of pairs for all… as long as everyone plays their part in The Great Circle of Socks and a box of odds is kept neatly on top of the washing machine.

Everything runs like sockwork until one day a rogue washing machine gets greedy, taking a particular fancy to socks! After ten piles of stinky laundry, the odd socks box is overflowing and The Great Circle ofSocks is destroyed!

The odd socks are in turmoil. Who will help them find their missing partners, or are they destined for the tip? Who is brave enough to face the an-arch-y?

Boom! Odd Sockler! A skilled pairer of socks and keen organiser of underwear drawers arrives to save the day — and while she’s at it, rock the undies’ socks off — but to her dismay, there are no pairs to be found, and very soon her net is brimming with the very thing she hates the most… odd socks!

Odd Sockler’s out of her depth. Her usual approach isn’t working. How else can she restore order in the laundry? Has she bit off more then she can shoe

Finally, Odd Sockler realises that odd socks and mismatched feet are what make the world complete, and there’s only one way forward… restore The Great Circle of Socks! With everyone’s help, of course… and a touch of kindness to those poor old soles.

odd sockler by Ellie Phant